
Showing posts from July, 2018

This Has Got to Stop

Things I need to stop: Seeking approval from people who make me feel bad. Seeking approval from people. Over analyzing everyfuckingthing.  Perseverating. Thinking that my feelings are the same as someone else’s.  Romanticizing. Stupid romanticizing. Binge eating. Putting off therapy. Letting it consume me. Building pedestals.  Amazon. Sweet, sweet Amazon.  Feeling. At least a little.

Hard Truths

Stand up, show up, shut up unless it matters, And if it does, speak it, Because the truth is the truth even when it hurts, And hurt it will, Down to your very core. The pain comes in waves, It storms when you’re an empath, Your vessel has been damaged and though the water is turbulent, You will be okay because you know how to swim. Remember that even the best of swimmers get tired, But you know how to float, And when that becomes difficult look for the life savers, They are there with outstretched arms, Don’t be afraid to grab them. You’re not the captain of this ship, You’re part of the crew, Their kindness will save you, Their kindness has saved you, And you’ll dry out soon.